So, I was reading this post the other day and thought that this would make for an interesting post (humor me :). The idea was to link within your own blog to the post that applies best in these categories:
- Your first post
- A post you enjoyed writing the most
- A post which had a great discussion
- A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written
- Your most helpful post
- A post with a title that you are proud of
- A post that you wish more people had read
So, we will see how much commenting my little brood allows, but I will do my best! :)
My First Post - I am cracking up b/c it's nothing but pics of our new house! LOL. In my defense, I did post a little bit more about myself the same day in another post. I have been blogging since September 2005! Wow! Time flies when you're having fun!
A post you enjoyed writing the most - I don't really know if this is THE one - but I read it, remembered the experience and laughed! Here's another.
A post which had a great discussion - this really is second only to the announcements of pregnancies and births :)
A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written - Emily is so very talented and I have enjoyed reading her blog.
Your most helpful post - well, I don't really know, but several people emailed me after this one.
A post with a title that you are proud of - Laundry Room - drop your pants here. Genuis - i know.
A post that you wish more people had read - I don't have a link for this one. I guess I feel like any time there are no comments I have either failed my audience :) or no one has read it. And since I don't really think that either are true - a post that shows lots of traffic with no comments says, lots of people stopped by - but no one wanted to say hi! :)
So, that was fun. I actually took time reading through my blog from the beginning to the end. A real chronicling of our lives thus far.
I can't leave you without a shameless link for Brown Eyed Girlies! :)

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