Saturday, March 15, 2008

This is what i am dealing with....

These picture may make you chuckle b/c it's not happening to you. This is what i have been dealing with for the last few months. This is my son's alter ego "jackal". Literally. Tonight we were at the mall doing some innocent easter outfit shopping.
A few days ago i bought one of those little monkey leashes so that we could learn to walk with me when we go out. Used it twice - he did great, so we decided since the mall wasn't busy tonight we would break it out again and let him try again. So, we talked to him about not touching anything in the store b/c it didn't belong to us...seemed to work. No trauma...UNTIL he started touching things that didn't belong to him. I warned him that if he didn't stop disobeying mommy that he would have to get back into the stroller. He looked right at me and touched something, so i scooped him up and walked towards the stroller. I explained to him why he was getting into the stroller and then it began.


It took both nathan and i to force him into the stroller while onlookers probably thought we were beating him to death.

Great. Now we have to leave. So, we take our screaming son through the mall so everyone can gawk at us like we are horrible parents raising a horrible child desperately wishing our car was parked in the hallway. We got to the car, "devotional thoughts" were administered to the proper nether regions and the screaming continued. 45 min. @#$%^& (let that stand as frustration marks for any of you thinking i have taken up profanity.)

I thought consistent, thoughtful discipline yielded an obedient child? (this is not to say i haven't had my moments.)

Now, it's 4:06am. I have been up with a miserable Jackson for 3.5 hrs.

If this continues, you may want to check out my auction on Ebay for a near 2 yr. old.


Kelly Glupker said...

You poor thing! Do you mean to tell me that he kept his tantrum up for 3 hours - or he just could't sleep? I am sure stubborn children are very difficult to train, but those are the kids that grow up to be great leaders! Good for you for being consistent and following through with your demands. I'm sure it was tempting to do anything (even give in) to get him to calm down. I hope you can get a nap in today.

Reads said...

I'm sorry to hear you are going through such a hard stage. I struggle through the same thoughts. I think in some ways we are taught that if we are consistant with our children they will turn out ok. How many time have we heard peolple talk about children who are not disciplined and the comment is made that the parents must not be consistant in the home. . . Well, although this may be true; the concept I think many teaching forget to include is that our children have a free will and they still can choose to disobey. I mean how many times do we do this to our Holy Father?? Can't say that I've completely come to understand all this but would be interested in others thoughts on the matter. . . I know the one thing that can change Audrey's heart is prayer. Sorry so long, interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Unknown said...

You poor dear! I have the same question as kelly - was he up so long because he was overtired or feeling sick? Or just worked up from the whole ordeal? I'm sure his overtired state didn't make things any easier!

I TOTALLY know how you feel - it's so difficult to be consistent especially when you want to get something done. But if you consistently leave the store when he throws a fit, he'll get the idea. And spanking consistently will definitely reap good rewards. I can attest to that with Chloe! It's amazing how even a few days of consistent spanking on a particular behavior (Chloe's big one is whining right now) can change her ways!

All that to say, hang in there and stand your ground. When you have an enjoyable 5 year old who obeys and is pleasant, you can look back on the discipline-heavy toddler years and be thankful you were consistent!

Praying you have an easy and restful Saturday.

Tricia said...

Oh Shyla, we have been there many, many, many times. I have more than a few times come to Ryan and asked...are we doing this right? We are seeking to be consistent, loving and biblical in our discipline and yet they often disobey with the best of them or choose to throw fits in between "devotional thoughts" for long periods of time. Ryan reminds me that we can follow the right methods but God has to change the heart. All we can do is continue to be faithful, seek godly counsel (through books and people), and pray like crazy. Be encouraged that you're not the only one out there! =)

Heather said...

Hey there...It isn't fun watching your kids go through tempers...we too have been there just like everyone else. Now that Victoria and Logan are 5 & 4 and have had (what I would like to think) consistant discipline days are much better than they used to be. Don't get me wrong, they are FAR from perfect but way less tempers than we used to have. Consistentcy will pay off in the long run...I am sure on days like today it doesn't seem possible, but hang in there!

christina said...

sounds like you're in the dog days, sister! as many before me have said.... been there, done that. yes, those days consumed with "devotional thoughts" come and go. btw, i have been very close to #$&@$# myself... and i don't mean frustration. but that's just my thick carnal stripe running amok. :) all i can say is, hang in there, girl. however God chooses to bless your efforts as a consistent obedient child of HIS will be worth it all in the end.

Doesn't love a wall said...

I wonder if perhaps he's sick? Maybe that is why he's out of sorts?

undergroundcrowds said...

oh my. sorry about that. I have so much to look forward to, I'm sure. praying for you and Jackson. stick to your guns. ;)

undergroundcrowds said...

upon further thought...someone might have already said this, but you might need to "administer" again.
I think it's a "will" thing and a restoration thing. As long as he is still screaming at you, he is not restored.
Don't ask me what to do, if you "administer" 4 or 5 times and he still hasn't cried, in a repentant way.
haven't crossed that bridge.
but an arching back indicates the will is still in tact.

undergroundcrowds said...

but he could be sick. oh the joys.

Hairgrove Hangout said...

In spite of the "hard times" you are very blessed to have two cute little boys. Please remember to stop and smell, errr, stop and take a good look at God's many blessing. Remember in college when you didn't have a clue who your life love partner would be??? we do!
Love ya

Tfipps said...

shyla, I just read your comment on my blog about the stock photo letters...sorry...I don't check my blog very often. I got them at one of my abslolutely favorite

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