Friday, August 17, 2007

5 more days...

so, i have been through this childbearing stuff before. i know it's not smart to sit around and hope for a baby to come. i know it's futile to hope that i will go before my due date. So, here i sit. doing the things i know are pointless. i was sooooooo busy for the last month or so that since this weekend has been over, i have had some real time on my hands to be "bored". "i knew i should have filled up this last week with stuff!!!" Yesterday i started having contractions in the AM and some other signs of early labor that i will leave to your imagination (you're welcome gentlemen!). I actually thought that this baby may come today! I actually packed my overnight bag, went and bought baby diapers, nursing apparel, packed jackson's bags, lined up my back up to take care of jackson and figured i'd get a few hours of shut eye b4 the BIG contractions started. I prayed for as much sleep as the Lord knew i would need for strength to get through labor and went to sleep. I woke up this AM with nary a contraction to speak of. And, nary a contraction to really shake a stick at today. Hmmm....interesting.
So, i have napped a great deal (yummy!), went to lunch at a friend's, had a cousin over for lunch and now i am out of entertaining ideas...i mean, i don't have a desire to entertain anymore! :)
If you don't get an urge to nest...does that mean the baby won't come!?? LOL Nathan has been the nester! What a joy it is to have a MORE than helpful husband!!

oh yay!! let's pause for a contraction! that's exciting!!
ok, i'm back! :)
just uncomfortable...not painful! but, progress is progress i guess!

ok, well i am really just blogging to pass the time - nothing really to talk about, just need something to do! :)


Jenny said...

Hang in there, Shyla! Looking forward to the good news that you've been delivered of your child! :-) C'mon, baby, COME!!!

Heather said...

Hey, girl!! I hope that you are doing well and hanging in there. I am sure the next post you do will be about your new little one. :)

Carrie said...

Praying for you and hoping that baby Rohrer decides to make an early apperance! :) Hopefully soon we will be reading an announcement of a new little one!

Karen said...

Hip, hip, hooray! Praying for you this weekend.

Taryn and Danielle said...

Hopefully your little one will arrive VERY soon...I can't wait to hear about it!! I was just reading Ginny's blog before coming over here to read yours and she is SO close too :) Praying that this little baby decides to come soon and you will be well-rested for all that's coming!!!

Stephanie (Wolynes) Steinbart said...

Hi Shyla,
I don't know if you remember me or not, but I have been keeping up with you on your blog! I, too, have an August baby -- in the south -- uggh. So I totally sympathize with you. I hope the baby comes soon and that you have a safe delivery!

Stephanie (Wolynes) Steinbart said...

P.S. -- Jackson is SUCH a cutie!!

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm late in commenting here - hope this weekend your baby #2 makes his/her appearance! Can't wait to hear the good news!!!!

undergroundcrowds said...

oooo.....hope he/she comes soon.

Mike and Nicole said...

I know exactly how you felt...waiting and waiting. I was induced with both so I think if I was ever allowed to let nature take its course...I would be pregnant forever. but...
CONGRATS!!! I hope the transition from one to two is easy.

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