When I was little, VBS was in someone's backyard and you'd listen to bible stories, play a game, have a snack and go home. For us, it was always at someone's house that we knew from church - since we were church kids - but for most of the neighborhood kids that came, their parents just sent them down the street on their own to participate.
Fast forward 20 yrs. I am a mother of 3 living in this world and would be hard pressed to send my little one to a stranger's house for them to hear bible stories. It's sad, but I just don't feel like I have the luxury that parents before me had to trust people I don't know with my kids.
All of that being said, this year our church did a FAMILY VBS. You heard me! Family! Mom, dad, kids, grandparents - everyone! It was a great switch from the usual b/c we got to be involved in walking through "Egypt" with our kids and watching them learn about Joseph. each family was divided up in groups. You stayed with that group for the whole VBS week and did games, there was a group time of singing and they made a market place for everyone to walk through with activities for the kids like a salon, bead shop, hieroglyphics name tags, toy shop, brick making etc... It was a really fun time. Then there was a game time where you competed against other family groups. One of the games that we liked was the mummy wrap! They even had a "bakery" where you could get a little nibble of something and a drink! Then we went into a room that on the first night was Joseph in his jail cell and listened to him give us a narrative on what life was like for him in there. The next night it was in front of Pharoah etc... It was a wonderful time! Perhaps the best VBS experience that I have ever had!
Here are a TON of pics from the week!

I am dying! i just realized he is picking his nose! LOL

Thank you so much to our church family who worked so hard to put this all together! We thoroughly enjoyed the week!
Have any of you done this at your church before - a family VBS time? What did you do?
What an amazing VBS you had! Brick making?!? Incredible! No, we've never done or even heard of a family VBS. In fact, we are always on vacation when our church does VBS so Chloe's never even attended one. :( Maybe next summer!
OH MY! THis is SO SO INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to do this!!! We are studying Egypt this year in school and you gave me some great ideas. I would love (LOVE) to get my hands on the booklet that has all this together......would you let me know if there's something like that I could get a copy of?
The kids.....so cute. You make a great Egyptian princess! :)
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