May I have your attention!?
Thank you!
I would like to take this time to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rohrer are again "with child" and are due to have their baby in the spring 2006!!
The baby is resting comfortably in utero and is 8mm inches long and is 8 weeks and 2 days old - scheduled for release in 2006.

Here is baby Rohrer II. Now, don't be mistaken this isn't the ACTUAL young lad (or lass for that matter). Just an example. Cute, Huh?! Looks like me a little! LOL (actually, it looks a little like ET).
Congratulations Nathan and Shyla! We are so excited for you and will pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy for all three of you! (Watch out for those sypmathy symptoms, Nathan.) I'm jealous that Chris gets to have dinner with you. :-(
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